Artist Profile

We’ve now added over a million artists to Artfacts!!!!

In celebration of reaching this monumental milestone, we’ve decided to go on a little journey back to the beginning of Artfacts in 1999 during the infamous dot-com boom, to look at the first items entered into our database. With the fast-paced world we live in forever charging forward, sometimes it’s…

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It’s update time…

It’s always a pleasure to inform you about new features that the Artfacts team has developed. These tiny updates really can make a big difference. This week, the big news is the improvement in the profile edit/upload section, which includes four new features. Spotlight ImageAsk, and you shall receive: Finally, all artists…

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Haven’t claimed your profile yet? It’s time.

Keep updated with the digital world. With two years of COVID-19 already behind us, a clear shift has been noticed in the art world to digitalisation. For all artists, moving to digitalise their information delivers increased contacts, communication, visibility and hence, more purchases. But being digital requires credible exposure as…

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