Have you explored our new artist pages?
If you have an Analytics, Pro, or Premium subscription you can now filter an artist’s exhibition history for a more tailored and insightful view. This can help you quickly refine your search to find exactly what you’re looking for.
Choose between solo exhibitions, group exhibitions, or biennials. Or play with the location-based filters and narrow down exhibitions by specific countries or cities.
For example, let’s check out Alicja Kwade’s profile.
With over 649 exhibitions listed, it could take a while to trawl through her listings and make sense of where she’s been or will be showing.
Firstly, let’s take a look at Solo exhibitions. This gives us 64 results. Now, we can change the filter to Group shows but limit it to just Berlin. There are 124 listings with those parameters.
Perhaps you’d like to know all the places she’s exhibited in one particular city? Click All, and refine by city. Or, you’d like to know how many times she exhibited at a particular institution? Just select an institution from the drop-down list – At Kwadrat in Berlin, she’s had 10 exhibitions.
And just click on All at any time to reset the filters and see everything again!
This new feature makes it easier than ever to explore and appreciate the diverse exhibition histories of artists. Try it out today.Expand the way you see art,
Headerimage by Luis Feliciano on Unsplash