Keep updated with the digital world.
With two years of COVID-19 already behind us, a clear shift has been noticed in the art world to digitalisation.
For all artists, moving to digitalise their information delivers increased contacts, communication, visibility and hence, more purchases. But being digital requires credible exposure as well.
With thousands of visitors every day, Arfacts offers exactly that. If you are an artist or an institution and you have not yet claimed your profile on Artfacts, the time is now.
Every month hundreds of artists and galleries claim theirs, gaining more visibility:for free. Claiming your profile enables you to add an artist statement, important information about yourself, to list those treasured awards or grants you have received, and to add links to your social media profiles. You can upload a photo of yourself, your studio or gallery space, edit biographical information as an artist and more. Last but not least, you can upload images of your artworks and include prices and a contact button, if you wish.
Aside from our exhibition overview and ranking, a claimed and well edited profile contributes to successful exposure on Artfacts.
For all that have already claimed and filled profiles – keep your eyes peeled for our next newsletter when we will be announcing exciting new features you’re sure to love in the profile section.
Keep up the great work!
Let’s make history happen.
The Artfacts Team