artist trends

Bulgarian artists creating curiosities in local and international scenes

It’s time for another “Top Artists from” feature, and this week we’re travelling South-east (if you’re North-west of there that is) to Bulgaria. Both of the artists’ works are thought-provoking and a little quirky, proving that Bulgaria can deliver the goods- despite still not having a Museum of Contemporary Art, a point made…

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Feminist Artists Changing Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

In honor of International Women’s day, we are bringing you two diverse female artists and one collective known for either their activism, or for their celebration of femininity and exploration of gender stereotypes. We shall say no more, and let the stories of the artists speak for themselves. Barbara KrugerRanked…

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Nigerian Artists …

Two unique artists to follow. This week, we’re bringing you another edition of our monthly ‘Top male and female artists from…’ series. Let us introduce to you: Njideka Akunyili Crosby, ranked 900 globally, and No. 2 in Nigeria, and Emeka Ogboh ranked 941 globally, and No. 3 in Nigeria. (Otobong Nkanga is No.1 in Nigeria, but…

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South Korean artists topping the ranks

Welcome to the new year!Over here in Berlin, it’s still grey, it’s still cold and we’re still locked down, so we thought we’d take you travelling instead to the beautiful, bountiful in culture, art, fashion, and bibimbap: South Korea. That’s right, it’s time for the next of our ‘Top Male…

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Top Ranked Artists from New Zealand

We’re introducing something a little new. Each month we will select a country to deliver details on it’s top-ranking artists. To begin this journey, we introduce the top-ranked male and female artist from New Zealand. Simon Denny, Ranked 243 Globally, and No. 1 in New Zealand. and Francis Upritchard Ranked 1394 globally,…

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Discovering upcoming artists.

We provide manifold ways to discover artists. One such being, exploring the “Top 100 Upcoming Young Artists” list. You’ll find all kinds of talented trail-blazers there. Perhaps you would stumble across the works of French sculpturist Marguerite Humeau. Though ‘upcoming’ is perhaps the wrong descriptor, having had her graduation piece “Lucy from Back, Herebelow, Formidable…

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