Call out for information.
We need your help to make our data more diverse.
Just as the pursuit of knowledge is endless, so is maintaining up-to-date comprehensive information on the art world.
At the moment certain regions around the world are underrepresented on Artfacts. This is mostly due to the fact that we are more widely recognised in particular provinces than others, and therefore receive more information from those places to add to our database. We’ve decided that’s not good enough, so we are starting to take steps towards rectifying this unintentional inequality.
From now on, once a month we will place a call out for information on all components of the art world of a particular country. Think: artists, galleries, curators, institutions and exhibitions.
Accompanying this call-out will be the short-term offer of free fast-track processing for all the related (and only related) information sent.
Our first focus will be: India.
Submit your insights here:
To whet your appetite for work from the region, we introduce the artist: Prajakta Potnis. Ranked 35 in India, and 6,265 Globally. Trend to note: Between 2006 and 2010 she had a ranking jump of 45,527.
Potnis lives and works in Mumbai and has exhibited extensively locally and internationally. She is known for her often unsettling photographs, paintings, sculptures and installations.
A particular highlight being her ‘Capsule Series’: cinematic sometimes science-fictionesque photographs of stagings in her refrigerator. Using the structured, restricted space to create “…a corporeal site of a memory bank”. Her work makes you entirely reimagine something that is part of your daily life.
We will be accepting submissions for the fast-track until Thursday, March 11th, 12pm CET. To take advantage of the fast-track for India, please submit via the link included, not your dashboard.
Naturally, submissions will continue to be heartily welcomed after then, but with the usual process and usual processing time via the dashboard.
We can’t wait to receive them, and to continue to work towards an ever-fairer art database.
Let’s make history happen.
The Artfacts Team