The Evolution of Video Collection



Dear ArtFacts Members,

Please join us on Sunday, June 19th for a talk by ArtFacts Director Marek
Claaßen at Art Basel. The topic of discussion is The Evolution of Video Collection, and will be moderated by Carlos Duran, co-founder of LOOP Barcelona.

This panel focuses on collecting video art. Despite the specificity of film and video as ephemeral, non-unique, and highly reproducible media, the conversation aims to assess their value as representative formats in contemporary art and contextualize them in the market. Indeed, if on one hand they seemingly escape monetization, on the other they speak truth to an age where images in motion truly constitute a common lingua franca. This makes of video and film essential formats for a collector that is attentive to the changes in technologies and, hence in art production. 

For more information, please visit the event page.


Isabel Rocamora, *Faith, *2015 Video, Three Channel Ed. 5 + 2 AP, courtesy Galería SENDA

Are you already there? Post your photos and tag us with #ArtBaselxArtFacts to be featured on our social channels.


Getting There:

Conversations/Salon is located in the Auditorium in Hall 1 next to the Magazines sector. When you enter Hall 1 through the main entrance from the Messeplatz, you will see the Auditorium on your right hand side.The area where the Auditorium/Magazines/café are located is free for public, and therefore all the talks are free access on a first come first serve basis. Please arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled talk. There is a backstage room adjacent to the Auditorium where you can deposit your belongings, prepare for the talk and get a coffee, tea or water.

We’ll see you there!

-Team ArtFacts