We hope everyone is recovering well from a joyous week of art and reconnecting in Basel!
Last week also saw the introduction of our new Gallery Ranking.
To help you understand its benefits in more detail, we thought we’d show you some ways you can use it.
Today we will approach using the gallery ranking search tool from the perspective of an emerging artist.
Finding galleries in your city that represent emerging artists can be an arduous task; combining a mix of word-of-mouth, attending exhibitions, and extensive googling with a detailed exploration of multiple galleries’ websites is time consuming. The Artfacts gallery ranking search helps cut that time down significantly, by focusing your search parameters and giving you a fast overview of a gallery.
Let’s take a look at three cities and see how quickly we can find a potential new collaborator.
When looking at the galleries we considered:
1. The percentage of artists exhibited under the age of 40
2. The gender divide of artists (not including collectives)
3. The number of art fairs the gallery has participated in
4. The percentage of average ranking improved over 5 years for artists working with the gallery
5. The gallery’s annual ranking growth
6. The average ranking of artists working with the gallery
Search Parameters1. Starting rank: 500
2. Established year: 2018 onwards.
3. City: Amsterdam, New York City, London consecutively.
All of the information can be found on a gallery’s spotlight or trends page.
According to our data each of the following galleries appeared in the top 4 in their city within the above search parameters.
No Mans Art Gallery
Global rank: 1,730
Netherlands rank: 32
Year established: 2018
1. 83% of artists between 20-40
2. 62% male 36 % female
3. Participated in at least 10 art fairs
4. 36% average ranking increase for artists over 5 year period
5. 13.5 % annual ranking growth
6. 105,157 average ranking of artists
Hesse Flatow
Global rank: 798
USA rank: 197
Year established: 2019
1. 53% of artists aged between 20-40
2. 35% male 65% female
3. Participated in at least 12 art fairs
4. 41% average ranking increase for artists over 5 year period
5. 33.61% annual ranking growth
6. 23,537 average ranking of artists
Nicoletti Contemporary
Global rank: 1,713
UK rank: 147
Year established: 2018
1. 71% of artists aged between 20-40
2. 41% male 59% female
3. Participated in at least 9 art fairs
4. 65% average ranking increase for artists over 5 year period
5. 21.64% annual ranking growth
6. 52,439 average ranking of artists
What we can surmise very quickly from these overviews is that these galleries all clearly work with a number of emerging artists, they have a commitment to expanding awareness of these artists by attending a number of art fairs, the rankings have improved significantly for artists involved with these galleries, and the galleries are all experiencing strong growth. Once you’ve found galleries that you might want to work with logistically, head to their websites for more detailed information to see if you resonate with their approach, then get in touch to see if there’s a click.
The access to this level of detailed analytics is for paid subscribers of the Artfacts Analytics, Pro or Premium plans.
In the above searches we chose to correlate the age group of 20-40 yrs with emerging artists. Whilst we recognise the complex nature of art and life and that an emerging artist may of course not always be defined by this range, there is undeniably a higher percentage of emerging artists who do fit into this age category which is why we have used it.
There many different ways to approach finding the right gallery(ies) for you when seeking exhibition or representation opportunities. The relationship between a gallery and an artist is deeply personal, what we offer here is but one way to refine your searches, whilst we try to help demystify the art world for you.
Wishing artists success in finding the gallery that fits, and galleries vice versa.
P.S. We are dedicated to improving your overall experience of Artfacts. If you have 5 minutes of time, we would love to learn from you.
Headerimage by Piotr Pietrus