Good weather gratitude; a discount to share the mood

A celebration of updates past.

Here in Berlin, we’ve just had our first few days of actual nice weather, what a thrill! Naturally, we’re already back to grey and rain, but the remnants of the warm sun on our skin still has us glowing from within.

Whilst floating in this jovial disposition, we began reflecting on our past aspirations, now come to fruition; a perfect convivial ignition.

In the past 6 months of our long, long lockdown we’ve introduced some monumental changes to the organisation of our database which has made it infinitely simpler to extract specific information, whilst at the same time making new searches possible to allow for new discoveries. For these improvements, we’d like to celebrate.

In case you missed it, these are our three favourite recent updates:

List pages

Being able to organise our data by Media, Movement, Period, Year and Gender has simplified and streamlined your searches.

Country and City pages
The Country and City pages have opened up a world of possibilities of finding artists, exhibitions and institutions.

The Institution page
Adding branches to our Institution pages makes it that much easier to find the exhibitions you were looking for.

In keeping with this merriment, we are offering a 25% discount on an upgrade of your subscription so that you can make the most of these updates and more. Hurry and upgrade now, discount ends Thursday 20th May 12pm CET

Code: Spring2021

We have another reason to be so merry; something very special is in the making from the Artfacts team. While it hasn’t been launched yet, keep your eyes peeled in our upcoming newsletters for a very exciting announcement (and gain a sneak peek via Instagram if you just can’t wait!)…

Let’s make history happen.

The Artfacts Team