We’ve brought you stats on gender, on age, and now, we bring you…. region!
Are museums, galleries and art fairs selective of the regions where they represent artists from? Are they focusing on local or international artists?
For artists, gallerists and buyers, understanding who galleries and art fairs focus on can be an incredibly useful tool in conducting informed decision making. Whether that be seeking representation, new representees or purchases …
Today, for a closer look at two galleries and the origins of their artists, we bring you on a trip to New York, through french-speaking europe and back again:
Bortolami and
Ceysson & Bénétière

At Bortolami, although a significant portion of the artists are from the United States, you can still see a very broad distribution of artists from regions around the world. The founder Stefania Bortolami, an Italian, studied in Torino and worked in London before moving to the Gagosian Gallery flagship in New York, after which she opened up the Bortolami gallery (Originally Bortolami Dayan). Could her diverse experience and cross-atlantic background be an influence on her broad selection of artists?
At Ceysson & Bénétière, you can see that they feature significantly more local artists. The duo, François Ceysson and Loic Bénétière, focused on french speaking europe until they opened a branch in NYC. As a little backstory- Their artistic advisor, Bernard Ceysson, has a pretty impressive CV behind him too; curator of the musée d’Art et d’Industrie in Saint Etienne, appointed director of the Musée national d’Art moderne-Centre Georges Pompidou, head of the musée d’art moderne of Saint-Etienne and artistic director of the Fondation Musée d’Art moderne Grand-Duc Jean. Could this experienced art historian and proud fenchman have had a significant influence on the choices made by Ceysson & Bénétière?
Curious about where the artists are from that your favourite galleries and museums exhibit?